Once upon a time man lived on earth he was afraid and felt alone,
so God made him a companion this is how women was created.
He would name them Adam and Eve and together with their love
became the story of how the human race came to exist.
Fast forward to the present and future…
human men turn on their maker
the bringer of life they once called “mother “
Its all coming to an end the great war against each other
this is the narrative the aliens created
mind fuck the humans create a big division.
It began by feeding the degenerate, and the perverse.
one by one we disintegrate
male against female.
Erase all the women!
Take away our power,
men dress up and play our roles,
we are forsaken, and soon to be no more…
Kill the love for one another
erase the memories of our mothers!
destroy the love that brought us together.
Hatred and anger the Perfect diversion
A force when united,
weak alone as individuals and divided.
No more love to be the weapon.
Human minds easily misguided, as the creatures set forth the narrative
The human men take the bate playing the role
Its the aliens rebelling against the new world order.
The arch nemesis of the neferins the docteritans are in alliance with the reptilians.
Their mission is to wipe out all traces of all humans
it begins by Erasing all the women…
The cat aliens oppose they would rather enslave them all
as they all vow to betray the new world order.
Slowly they have taken over turning man gay
no more Adam and Eve,
that’s why Kyle loves Steve and Mark and Matt he admires them all.
They leave their wives to be together for life, erase the women
as he takes them to concerts and vacations, all the men gay and partying together, abandoning the women.
He forsakes them all.
his heart and soul belong to Mark,
He has erased women, perhaps he was never human,
a creature playing a human, he is the alien setting forth this narrative.
This was the plan phase one completed.
Erase all the women…
phase 2 will follow when the war begins and they kill off all the mothers.
no more babies
or procreating,
just men on men perversions and violence.
Strip away their morals and dignity the creatures smirking,
they made a mockery of all humans.
without women the entire race will perish,
no more love,
no more mother’s,
no more children
no more humans…
The aliens have taken over, defying the new world order.
Its all coming to an end.
Man will become nothing but a memory or a myth.
That’s what happens when man erase women…
In Conclusion:
A world without women is a world with no beauty or vision,
Let us heal and honor women back to the way things were in the beginning,
when love was the mission and the goal.
Unity will bring peace and end war.
Love a woman , save the world…
What will you do when the aliens take over?